

Fabio Zanino, Contexture

Contexture project looks at the topic of time-man-material.

This photographic research takes shape in a series called Contexture in which the effect of time on human artifacts allows details of degradation to gain aesthetic value.

The decontextualization of a detail takes its texture to a different dimension, which investigates the origins of inspiration in abstract art.


What is the city? Hard to say, it is too big one would risk being wrong. To know it, it is probably necessary to dissect it, to cut it into small pieces. This is what Turin-based artist Fabio Zanino does, and with his works he gives us back fragments of the city: a piece of an oratory’s front door with the marks of a football, a manhole cover corroded by time, the portcullis with the stains of detached stickers, the asphalt a bit cracked. The result is certainly interesting.
Dario Basile
Che cos’è la città? Difficile dirlo, è troppo grande si rischierebbe di sbagliare. Per conoscerla occorre probabilmente sezionarla, tagliarla in piccoli pezzi. È quello che fa l’artista torinese Fabio Zanino che con le sue opere ci restituisce dei frammenti di città: un pezzo del portone di un oratorio con i segni delle pallonate, un tombino corroso dal tempo, la saracinesca con le macchie degli adesivi staccati, l’asfalto un po’ crepato. Il risultato è sicuramente interessante.
Dario Basile



This images has been recognized by VSCO Curation team.

Fabio Zanino Contexture - VSCO award


Fabio Zanino Contexture - VSCO award


Fabio Zanino Contexture - VSCO award